Morning Star
Catholic Charismatic Center - 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month - 10am
Contact: Abq CCC
Holy Fire Praise
Catholic Charismatic Center
Fridays 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Contact: Deacon Michael or Kathy Wesley
Book: Discovering the Gifts of the Holy Spirit by Dcn. Mike Wesley
Email: [email protected]
Holy Spirit Prayer Group invites you to join us every Friday evening from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the Nazareth Center. 5901 St. Joseph Dr. NW
St. Joseph's on the Rio Grande
Directions: Take I-40, go west, turn on north Coors. Pass two lights. The 3rd light is St. Joseph St. Turn left and you will see the church. Turn right; the Nazareth Center is next to the church.
Come and join us for music, prayer, and fellowship.
Every Friday at 6:30 pm
Contact: Mary Lou (505) 410-5260 or Dolly Barkley (505) 363-3435
Praying for Albuquerque Intercessory
Catholic Charismatic Center
1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:30am
Contact: Marlaine
2nd Chapter of Acts
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church - Monday 6pm
Contact: Grable Encinias
(C) 575-799-8080
Las Vegas
Upper Room
Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church - Religious Ed Building - Tuesday 7pm
Contact: Edward Cordova
Santa Fe
Holy Faith
St. Anne's Catholic Church - Meets in Saint Anthony's clasroom - Friday 3:00pm - 5pm.
Contact: James or Margaret Montano
Updated 4/2024